Gunpowder Watershed Project Public Involvement Team Meeting
April 10, 1997 Minutes

Next meeting: June 12, 1997, 10 AM at the Baltimore Metropolitan Council. (Call Jack Anderson at 410/333-1750 x217 if you need directions).

Stormwater Briefing

Brian noted that we have been able to reduce the budget by providing a more efficient monitoring program, and by hiring staff rather than using a contractor. Three sites were eliminated from the original list: the golf course, Trenton mill, and the confluence of the Piney Run and Little Piney Run.

Baltimore County (Steve Stewart) is developing the QA/QC plan. Sampling has begun with both county and state staff; biological data are being collected. Baseflow samples will be collected next week (week of April 14) and then storm event samples can be collected as appropriate.

Associated relevant work:

"Plumbing" fixes for existing BMPs in Hampstead will be done this summer. Three structures will be retrofitted to reduce discharge and mitigate storm impacts downstream. In Hampstead this will be done by adding an additional 1.5 feet of storage.

Carroll County is also moving forward on the concrete channel removal at the WWTP. Permit information is now at MDE. Homeowners near these stormwater facilities have been very supportive and will provide community involvement for planting the pond.

Source Water Briefing

The sedimentation and bathymetry project plan has been received from MGS/USGS. The draft SRF application has been issued and comments been received. The final version is being reviewed by the Office of the Secretary. The will be a hearing on the SRF application on May 2. John noted that field monitoring efforts for both stormwater and Source water have been linked by combining the field effort in Baltimore County. Several field visits to sampling sites have been made to fully assess the sites. John distributed the final version of the MGS/USGS proposals for bathymetry and sedimentation.

Baltimore County

Steve noted that the MOU between MDE and Baltimore County should be signed on May 19 and he does not anticipate any problems. An RFP for the analytical labs will be out soon and should be on-board by June. In the interim, the County DPW lab will analyze the chemical parameters; they cannot do the pathogens. The QA/QC plan will include more detail on the sites and verification of the locations; it should be available in about 2 weeks. County staff will supplement the biological monitoring by SOS. NPDES sampling will also be applied to this study.

The entire county has been flown to develop aerial maps. Phase I digital base maps are online. Phase II, including Loch Raven will be done this year.

Steve distributed the detailed monitoring scope of work, the RFP for chemical and microbial analysis, and a listing of Baltimore County's in-kind contribution.

ACTION: A meeting will be set up to discuss the risk assessment component (John Grace/Jack Anderson, leads)

ACTION: The jurisdictions will need to meet to mesh the data layers (Steve Stewart/Charlie Wang, leads)

Baltimore County also submitted a listing of in-kind services associated with the project. The list included: $30,400 for monitoring and GIS data layer preparation, $11,000 for equipment, and $432,000 for other studies which will contribute to Gunpowder (NPDES long-term event monitoring, Loch Raven Watershed Study, and SOS biological monitoring).

Modeling Briefing

Tom would like to get the data up on the web. Need to determine the format and what conversions will be made for data submissions.

ACTION: Tom will set up a meeting to determine format and conversions, so that data may be uploaded when available.

Tom reviewed three types or scales of modeling:

1. Total basin, large scale

2. High resolution for Piney Run.

3. Reservoir water quality models for Loch Raven/Pretty Boy.

Tom needs the bathymetry before starting the reservoir model, but he can start the large scale modeling because the data is available. The large scale model will provide input to the reservoir model. In response to Paul Cocca's comments, Tom noted that the model does include air deposition. His staff will work with the Soil Conservation Districts to get fertilizer application rates and practices.

ACTION: We need to start discussing scenarios in detail by July/Aug, and what data are available to run those scenarios. Turning the data into parameters that the model can understand is a key component of this and can be time consuming. Scaling problems make this conversion difficult (Tom Tapley/Steve Stewart, leads)

Tom agreed to look at using the model for refining the monitoring program, but was unsure that anything would be gained.

ACTION: Tom will provide a draft segmentation for review. (Loch Raven has provided 46 subsegments which can be brought into the model.)

Tom said that the model will try to tackle septic system in suburban areas. In response to a question, Tom noted that the time step for the lake models will be continuous, probably hourly.

Public Involvement Briefing

Charlie Conklin was introduced and presented his plans for the Public Involvement team. He will start with a core around Piney Run and use that group to develop issues and expand. He will consider boundaries, especially for people interested in source water protection, which will include people outside the watershed. He will try to identify all the relevant existing organizations and contact them.

ACTION: All participants will help by providing a list of those organizations with which they are familiar.

REQUEST: It was also suggested that we develop a logo and name to provide an "identity" for the group. Please submit your ideas for a logo to MDE. MDE will "mock up" some of these ideas for the public involvement team to look at, to get them started.

The following people wish to be included in the Public Involvement Team:

Jim Slater - Carroll County
Patty Scott - EPA
Jack Anderson - BMC
Rupert Friday - MOP
Jim Dieter - MDE
Elysabeth Bonar Bouton - DNR
Brian Clevenger - MDE
Don Outen - Baltimore County
Menchu Martinez - EPA/Bay Program

Other Participants

Patty Scott had suggested that we incorporate some other groups (e.g., MDA, USDA, Cooperative Extension Service, Trout Unlimited, US Fish and Wildlife).

ACTION: Steve Stewart will contact Baltimore NRCS (Note: a letter to Mark Ferguson was sent April 15, asking for his participation); Catherine Rappe will contact Carroll County; Rich Eskin will contact MDA and York County; Charlie Conklin will contact the others. (Note: I contacted Joe Hefner at York County Planning on April 21. With the loss of Tambi Katieb, who attended several meetings they don't have the staff to attend all meetings, but would like to remain on the mailing list and be kept informed, and are willing to participate when issues specifically relevant to York County arise.)

Stormwater Funding

A project component consistent with the restrictions on the $80,000 that MDE has budgeted in its stormwater program will identified.

ACTION: Brian will meet with the stormwater team to identify this project component.

EPA Office of Science and Technology

Paul Cocca was present, representing Tudor Davies. Paul expressed Dr. Davies concerns regarding applicability to future projects and beyond Gunpowder. Everyone participated in responding to those concerns. Among the responses: A case study would be helpful in planning similar projects; incorporation into future decision-making will be a key to success; the simple fact that everyone (multiple jurisdictions) is sitting at the table; it will build on existing efforts in the Patapsco basin; and it is comprehensive, tying other efforts together.

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Gunpowder Watershed