Gunpowder Watershed is located in Baltimore, Carroll, and Harford Counties in Northeast Maryland, and York County in Pennsylvania. The basin
drains approximately 478 square miles, of which about 11 square miles are in York County. Based on the 1990 census, 455,000 people live in
the basin, or about 9 percent of Maryland's population. The Gunpowder Watershed is particularly important in that it provides its own residents
as well as the nearly 700,000 residents of the City of Baltimore, Maryland's largest city, the majority of their piped water.
The basin is primarily rural. However, development pressure is significant and is a threat to natural resources. Between 1990 and 2020, the human population is expected to increase by 15 percent, this is due to the basin's proximity to metropolitan Baltimore.
General Interest
What is a watershed? Why should I care about the Gunpowder Watershed?
Bathymetry of Loch Raven Reservoir
Census maps and charts
Environmental hazards, with an emphasis on Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (commonly known as Superfund) sites
Infrared aerial photography (DOQ composites) of Loch Raven and Pretty Boy
Land use
Ongoing projects, stakeholder and organizational contact information
Point sources of pollution
Political perspectives: legislative districts by subwatershed
Stream data and monitoring sites
Topography and geology
Bibliographic Resources
Data Courtesy of the Maryland Department of the Environment, Maryland Department of Natural
Resources, Maryland Office of Planning, and the Baltimore County Department of Environmental Protection and Resource Management. Technical support
provided by the College of Science and Mathematics and the College
of Liberal Arts of Towson University. The Gunpowder Watershed Clearinghouse is hosted by Towson University.
Made possible in part by a Small Watershed Grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Disclaimer:The information contained herein is intended to provide general information.
While all efforts are made to confirm the accuracy of the information on this site, there is neither direct nor implied warranty or guarantee that
the information being provided is accurate, current or complete. Towson University, the Maryland Department of the Environment and the Gunpowder
Valley Conservancy accept no responsibility for damages or any losses based upon reliance on this information.