Gunpowder Watershed Project Public Involvement Team Meeting
June 25, 1998 Minutes

Attendees: Jim Dieter (MDE), Anneke Davis (MCC), William Smith (MDE), Jim Ensor (BCSCD), Jeanne Armacost (DEPRM), Pat Pudelkewicz (HCP&Z), Don Outen (DEPRM), Steve Stewart (DEPRM), Marlorie Slater-Kaplan (LWV), Rich Hall (MOP), Elisabeth Bonar-Bouton (DNR), Charlie Conklin (GVC).

The meeting began at 4:05 with a welcome by Charlie followed by introductions of the attendees. Charlie reviewed the agenda for the day and no additions were made. He stated that the purpose of the meeting is to reach an agreement on what we are going to do regarding both the Gunpowder Clearing House/Web-Site, and the Gunpowder Conference that is likely to be held around the month of November 1998.

A round-table discussion unfolded regarding ways to achieve the goals of the recently won grant project. Copies of a summary of the grant were circulated to those in attendance. Pat asked if our focus will include the Little Gunpowder, and comments were made expressing concern that we not focus only on the non-tidal and near-reservoir areas. Charlie and Bill explained that work on the both the Gunpowder Clearing-House and the Gunpowder Conference would be as inclusive as possible. Anneke stated concerns regarding the proliferation of watershed organizations and possible redundendacies with SOSís effort in Baltimore. County to establish a coalition of watershed organizations. Don indicated that this effort would be to complement the other activities.

Bill presented his work on the Gunpowder Clearinghouse/Web-Site and circulated rough drafts of the home page. Suggestions were made by nearly all the attendees as to ways he could continue to build on the project. Suggestions included:

Charlie spoke regarding the Conference and attendees gave their input. Charlie stated that purpose of the conference was to bring together (by invite only) groups and individuals involved in the watershed. The event is intended to facilitate sharing of information (like the Clearing-House), and to encourage the growth of a spirit of cooperation so that coalitions will form that will take positive action in the watershed. Bill suggested that a Gunpowder Conference CD-ROM be created with contributions from all attendees and that it subsequently be distributed at the conference. Several people at the meeting inquired as to whom would attend the conference. Charlie said a list is not yet compiled, but that it would be an invite-only conference including a diverse group that would encompass both governmental and non-governmental offices as well as representatives from education. Don suggested that the conference focus on positive things occurring in the watershed in the belief that this would create a sense of pride that would inspire groups and individuals to protect the Gunpowder. Different potential presentations at the conference were discussed including the running of a model from the Gunpowder Watershed Project (if it is completed at the time of the conference). Specific questions to be addressed are

-- who is the target audience? ----> Stakeholders/influencers in the watershed, both government and NGOís. Also, what is our goal/outcome? ----> Information sharing/sense of ownership and organization that can promote a watershed ethic.

Suggestions for inclusion in the conference were:

The meeting was adjourned at 5:45. The next meeting of the Gunpowder Watershed Project Public Involvement Team will be Wednesday, July 8 at 4 PM at the Eck House. The next meeting of this focus group will be announced after other organizations have been invited to participate.

Next Steps Identified in the Meeting:

Note: For those sponsor groups who were unable to take part in the 6/25 meeting, a review meeting is planned for 7/8 - 3PM @ the Ech House in Cromwell Valley Park.

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Gunpowder Watershed